Research & Monitoring Work Group
Purpose: To establish a common set of protocols with instructions on field methods and reporting to yield a body of comparable data from all restored and protected meadows in the greater Sierra Nevada. With this large body of comparable data, critical questions that span multiple meadows within a watershed, or across regional and program areas can be addressed.
Serve as a robust, replicable and cost-efficient monitoring plan to track and understand the extent and effectiveness of meadow restoration and conservation actions by employing protocols pre and post-restoration and/or conservation.
Provide critical information for adaptive management of the Sierra Meadow Strategy.
Completed Sierra Meadows Wetland Riparian Area Monitoring Plan (SM-WRAMP) to include:
Set of protocols and training materials to guide implementing the SM-WRAMP
Develop guidance on adaptive management of the protocols.
Develop guidance on training and implement training.
Establish and coordinate long term data management and storage.