Emergence 2017
On February 7th-10th, 2017 California Trout, with support from partners, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation and the CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, organized the third Sierra Meadows Workshop at Mayacamas Ranch in Calistoga, California. Over the three days, there were approximately 70 workshop attendees representing more than 20 different State and Federal, non-profit, environmental, academic and private consulting agencies.
The purpose of the workshop was to continue to build a broader meadows partnership with a focus on:
How restoration affects greenhouse gas dynamics and the potential for developing a payment for ecosystem services market through Climate, Community, Biodiversity (CCB) credits and
Implementation of the newly completed Sierra Meadow Strategy to increase the pace, scale and efficacy of meadow restoration in the greater Sierra.
Outcomes of the workshop include:
An understanding of the status and findings of GHG quantification in Sierra meadows projects,
A “Roadmap” to developing Climate, Community, Biodiversity standards for accreditation,
Renewed and formalized (MOU) support for the Sierra Meadows Strategy and
Working groups and action plans to implement the Approaches in the Strategy to move toward the goal of 30,000 acres of meadows conserved in the Sierra by 2030.